Help & Support
Welcome to The Therapy Space website. If you haven't already, you must be signed in to see your meetings.
For NSPC & Dilemma Staff and Students - to access The Therapy Space, go to the NSPC website and sign in. Click MyNSPC and then click the link to The Therapy Space.
For Dilemma Clients - please login here
Once you have signed in, the therapy space will open on your profile page. Click on “meetings” to see all the Zoom meetings you are taking part in. For Therapists and Tutors that will include those you are hosting, and any you may be attending.
The Starts in button shows the time until the meeting is due to start and will change to “Join” when it goes live. You can join your meeting up to 15 minutes eartly, the button will flash green to indicate you can start. Clicking on the starts in / join button will open a new web page which should open your Zoom app and sign you in to the therapy space meeting room. Sometimes, you may need to click the 'launch meeting' button.
For Tutors and Therapists - Once you’ve joined your meeting you’ll be in the Zoom as the host room with all the usual host controls. Admit your attendees as they arrive by clicking ‘participants’ which opens a new dialogue on the right showing anyone waiting.
For Students and Dilemma Clients - Once you've joined your meeting, if you join before your host, you will be in the waiting room until the host admits you.
Please make sure you sign out at the end of your meeting when the allotted time is up. I have allowed some space for overrun of a few minutes but bear in mind another class may be using the room after you.
See this page on the Zoom support website for help on signing out
And that’s it! Thank you for your patience during the development of this site, we hope you find it a useful resource.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out via the message app icon on the bottom right of the screen, we may not respond immediately but your enquiry will get through to the support team.
Best wishes and good luck to you all,
Regards, Rich